你常覺得「愛在心裡口難開」嗎?我也是耶 ><
還好有"花",可以幫我們 以花傳情~ ^^
- Jan 08 Thu 2009 03:24
- Oct 14 Mon 2019 14:13
[售車] 2000passat福斯VW車主自售雙北代步無待修
車款型式/排氣量:Passat 4門轎車 有天窗/1800cc
顏色/排檔形式:銀色/1.8T(五速自排 Tiptronic®5AT)
有無調表/實際里程:無調表(273,000 KM 極緩慢增加中)
- May 23 Fri 2014 16:30
- May 21 Tue 2013 08:47
somewhere in time
How can one feel comfortable blamed or criticized by the other even who is his friend even family. It happened to me again. I had emphasized I was just off duty and got hurt with my ground shoes but in vain. I just wanna exercise to sweat, but in fact it seemed I had to win as if I was gambling. Everyone would feel under a lot of pressure no matter he is a teammate or competitor. I will forget it if I were a senior high school student, but yeah... no mention it. I won't let it happen again.
- Apr 23 Tue 2013 22:30
my new job
After passing 3 interviews with 5 officers including 2 foreigners in English, i was no longer just a candidate but a new member fortunately. I'll never have such chance without Chris's helping me mend CVs, because I've tried but in vain 5 years ago since Nathan told me first time that his boss who ever worked for J&J also came here. I hadn't left former company so early because I had been promoted as manager, but reality is the nearest fact that I have to raise my family by higher salary. I couldn't but abandon the title to leave her, one of the Fortune global 500 after all. Now I have promised I'll serve her for 4 years at least. I have no choice and time because I'll be 40 after 5 years. Hope I'll succeed to earn more than one million annual salary soon here in the future and catch my outstanding friends such as Ben, Joe, Max Hao and Chris.
- Feb 06 Wed 2013 08:41
前幾天女友出國,學弟又去賣場賣可樂,我便去台灣紅閒逛,剛好碰到老鼠一個人在練球,在旁看了十幾分,真鬆啊,士官長叫我跟他打一下,他說他已經打一整天了,我便不自量力向老鼠下戰帖,老鼠也爽快答應,問打什麼?我說先花式好了,就跟去換新球順便請喝涼的(看能不能輸少一點XD)果然奏效,上半場都維持比數三、四十的拉鋸,直到下半場,鼠來瘋突然很鬆的一杆掃了三盤多,我也就在不到半百的比數下了帳 = =
第二場換打9-1,他衝球真大門,進球率有8成以上吧!我也是一路挨打,搶9只拿了2盤,還有有1盤是大摸不致輸的太難看 XD 老鼠真強人也,就算我有帶球杆,應該也差不了多少吧!想當初跟他還不熟時,就找他打最小洞的1號桌看能否壓制他的準度…結果下場還不是一樣…以後沒事就找學弟跟他追追分好了,練練球技心臟,覺得自己停滯不前好久了
- Jan 07 Mon 2013 09:16
- Oct 01 Mon 2012 07:52
- Jul 20 Fri 2012 12:47
late, hurry!
when I told Mr. Ruan I've changed my job, he congratulated me on my new job then meant do not change industry easily.
industry is profession which decides the salary, though i learn everything quickly, I lack experiences which count and need time.
Assistant Manager is so junior to me, I hope I will be promoted by hard work in the future. Be positive patiently instead of anxious.
Ben is exactly right who has stayed for more than 8 years in the same good company and earned much money far more than a million dollars per year.
Last month I've developed several new customers, it's shame the bonus is even much more than the performance…
- Jun 12 Tue 2012 09:48
my jet power